Girls' Night In
The better part -- and I use "better" here in every sense -- of Saturday night looked like this:

And boy did we need it. That is, perhaps I shouldn't speak for Eris, but I certainly needed it and, judging by her posture in this and about a dozen other photos I took I'd say Eris was pretty happy about the far-too-unusual circumstances. It's been a rough week -- more on that later -- and I've found myself feeling badly deprived of quiet downtime and time to knit. And the end result of having this blessed knitting time at home? I'm back to the beginning of the hip shaping on the silk corset. Yes, it's deja vu all over again as I tinked back to the point I'd initially re-introduced the silk yarn and started on the lace patterning. Didn't I say something about knitting monogomy when I started this blog? Hah -- that's wearing darn thin. I've already been working on a pair of sexy gauntlets (my own design) from yarn given to me by a fabulous non-knitter friend:

(I wanted to show you a beautiful picture of my enchanting stitch markers, but since I haven't yet worked out how to adjust the focus on the Elph, I having to settle for this way blurry shot of a couple of the stitch markers I've made, these from the 'seaside' theme)

You will notice that this lovely, slate-blue yarn comes on a big fat cone, making it less amenable to travel. So now I'm tempted to start a project that's more travel-friendly! Besides that, I'm even distracted now by a small flurry of sewing patterns, vintage and contemporary, whispering their siren song into my all too receptive ears:

So many projects, so little time. Sigh. This week summer begins, which is always my favorite time of year for sewing, knitting, crocheting and other fiber-related arts; we'll just have to wait and see what the season yields this year.

And boy did we need it. That is, perhaps I shouldn't speak for Eris, but I certainly needed it and, judging by her posture in this and about a dozen other photos I took I'd say Eris was pretty happy about the far-too-unusual circumstances. It's been a rough week -- more on that later -- and I've found myself feeling badly deprived of quiet downtime and time to knit. And the end result of having this blessed knitting time at home? I'm back to the beginning of the hip shaping on the silk corset. Yes, it's deja vu all over again as I tinked back to the point I'd initially re-introduced the silk yarn and started on the lace patterning. Didn't I say something about knitting monogomy when I started this blog? Hah -- that's wearing darn thin. I've already been working on a pair of sexy gauntlets (my own design) from yarn given to me by a fabulous non-knitter friend:

(I wanted to show you a beautiful picture of my enchanting stitch markers, but since I haven't yet worked out how to adjust the focus on the Elph, I having to settle for this way blurry shot of a couple of the stitch markers I've made, these from the 'seaside' theme)

You will notice that this lovely, slate-blue yarn comes on a big fat cone, making it less amenable to travel. So now I'm tempted to start a project that's more travel-friendly! Besides that, I'm even distracted now by a small flurry of sewing patterns, vintage and contemporary, whispering their siren song into my all too receptive ears:

So many projects, so little time. Sigh. This week summer begins, which is always my favorite time of year for sewing, knitting, crocheting and other fiber-related arts; we'll just have to wait and see what the season yields this year.
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