
It says something that, knowing I would be late or, at best, just on time for the kick-off event of the remarkable Harlot's Represent! tour I was afraid I wouldn't get a seat in the 750-seat hall at FIT. It says even more that I was not entirely wrong to be worried. I mean, yes, there were seats available, but not all that many. Wow! Represent, indeed.
Stephanie was funny, warm, smart -- all the things readers of the Yarn Harlot know her to be. Joe was there, a complete surprise for Stephanie, and I have to say you could feel their love flood that auditorium all the way to the back of the near-capacity filled hall. Enchanting Juno was there, collecting money for Medecins sans Frontieres/Tricoteuses sans Frontieres, and she is just that -- enchanting! There were yummy gift bags with yarn, needles, and the suggestion that we all knit a square for Warm Up America (is that it? yes, just checked the link -- that's it) while we listened to Stephanie's talk. Copious numbers of beautiful squares were collected by the end of the talk -- Stephanie sure knows how to use her powers for good!
Feeling all yarn-happy and a little punch-drunk from being around so many knitters, I made a discovery on the way home: some funky, crossed stitch creating small gaps a good four inches back on my knitting. Sigh.
Am I frogging? You know it. I feel it now -- I'm going to have to start some socks to get me through this wrap w/sleeves.
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